SOURCE: The Hill
Wendy Long, who is challenging Sen. Chuck Schumer for his Senate seat, jested Wednesday that coughing is a sign of lying, referring to Hillary Clinton’s widely publicized coughing fit earlier this week.
“I have been noticing lately the different effects that lying can have on different people,” Long said at the Conservative Party of New York convention, where Donald Trump also spoke.
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CONTACT: Daniel Pollack
[email protected] (646) 979-0621
New York, NY — U.S. Senate Republican nominee Wendy Long today called upon New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman to expand his investigation surrounding the recent shocking price hikes by the company that manufactures the EpiPen.
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SOURCE: PoliZette
The #NeverTrump crowd is running out of steam — and time.
All of its attacks — that he’s as liberal as Hillary Clinton, anti-immigrant, or a con man who will say anything to be elected — have failed. But perhaps the most absurd criticism of the Trump Deniers is the argument that he would hurt Republicans “down ticket.” In fact, the opposite is true.
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Wendy Long, the nominee of the New York Republican, Conservative, and Reform parties to challenge Sen. Chuck Schumer for U.S. Senate in New York, told Breitbart News Daily host Stephen K. Bannon that Schumer “is the very face of the Washington establishment, but that is his very weakness in this great year, in 2016, when the American people of all parties are rising up against the establishment on both sides.”
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